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WaterDrop® Systems

Drop-In • Plug & Play • Central Plants for Domestic Hot Water

Systems Designed to Fit Any Building

WaterDrop® systems are pre-manufactured drop-in, central heat pump plants that uses CO2 as a refrigerant. The WaterDrop® system is ozone-friendly and doesn’t contribute to global warming. Take the worry and hassle out of designing the perfect CO2 refrigerant domestic hot water plant for any building.


This product uses the EcoPort certified SkyCentrics Skybox & is therefore EcoPort Compliant

Drop of water in an arrow that is pointing down.

Complete Drop-In Plug & Play Systems

WaterDrop systems are designed and fabricated off-site, then delivered when needed. After the skid is physically secured on-site, the only connections required are mains power, and the water connections: cold water in, hot supply water, and recirculation.

Using CO2 refrigerant technology, our heat pumps have the highest COP of any hot water system, reaching up to a coefficient of 5.5. This is because CO2 refrigerant reaches a trans-critical state not achieved by other refrigerants, increasing the energy output of the system.

Highly Efficient CO2 Heat Pumps

Flexible Design

WaterDrop® has the advantage of reduced complexity and taking up less space than site-built plants. WaterDrop® systems offer flexibility in where they can be installed, be it roof top, adjacent to the building, parkade or other location.

WaterDrop® systems are designed specifically for your project by our engineers.  The WaterDrop® system is assembled in one of our two manufacturing plants and delivered to your site.


In September of 2023, Washington Governor Jay Inslee visited our Tumwater WA production facility to see what WaterDrop is doing to change the future of Domestic Water Heating.

Governor Inslee got a preview of WaterDrop's next big idea to revolutionize hot water storage using Phase Change Material.

NEEA Emerging Technologies Product Manager Geoff Wickes learns about WaterDrop from Albert Rooks.
Exterior of Eklund Innovation Center
Take a virtual tour of the WaterDrop production facility in Tumwater, WA.
Courtesy of D+R.
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On-Site Start-Up

After water and power hook-up, a member of the WaterDrop team will commission your system, to ensure optimal operation and properly trained facilities staff.

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Getting Started

Five story building

Getting started with a

WaterDrop system is easy.

You provide specific details on

your project, like the size of the

building, number of units, and the occupants. With the basic information, our engineering team can create a DHW plant design that is right for your specific project’s needs. You can get your next project started right away by going

to our Contact Us page.

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